World Class Chrome Plating for Medical and Dental Products

ISO 13485

Contact Us

Greystone Medical

1 Greystone Drive
N. Providence, RI 02911
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Center for STERIChrome® coating operations on medical devices and instruments.

Greystone of China

Zhenjiang, Jiangsu China

High volume precision Chrome plating. STERIChrome® is available at this location.

Greystone of Lincoln

7 Wellington Rd.
Lincoln, RI 02865
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Toll Free: (800)-446-1761
Phone: (401)-333-0444

Company Headquarters.

Greystone of Virginia

7992 Richmond Road
Toano, Virginia 23168
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Anodize, Chrome Plating.

Contact Greystone for all of your hard chrome medical and dental precision plating needs.

Incorporate STERIChrome® into your medical device design today.

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